

Meditation beads necklace

According to Psychology Today, meditation is the practice of turning one’s attention to a single point of reference. It can involve focusing on the breath, on body sensations, or on a word or phrase known as a mantra.

Tips to Make Home Meditation Space


Mindfulness is the practice of being fully aware or awake to our lives at this very moment. Practicing mindfulness makes us pay full attention to whatever we are doing at any point in time and it helps us to see the things that we do on a daily basis or the things that we do in a habitual manner in a new light.

Tips For Practicing Mindful Eating


The need to have some calmness cannot be overemphasized and for those that need it in order to get rid of their stress might just consider meditation as an ideal solution to unwind themselves in this busy world.

Zen, Mindfulness, & Prayer for Calming Your Mind in A Busy Life


Check out a wellness or meditation mindfulness retreat near you to rejuvenate yourself in the 2019 New Year. I visit the Blue Cliff Monastery in Pine Bush, New York when I need a recharge. Thich Nhat Hahn’s retreat is a magical and serene place. Upon entering the property all your stress and clutter in your mind leaves.  

 Top 10 tips to maximize your visit at a mindfulness retreat:

  1. Put the technology away. If you are connecting with your device then you are missing the opportunity to connect with yourself and calm your mind.
  2. Come with no expectations except to be fully present.


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