Tips to Make Home Meditation Space

According to Psychology Today, meditation is the practice of turning one’s attention to a single point of reference. It can involve focusing on the breath, on body sensations, or on a word or phrase known as a mantra. In other words, meditation means focusing on the present moment and pivoting away from distracting thoughts. This means a meditation space must be peaceful, comfortable, and quiet.

Your meditation space is a place you have set aside in your home that you can escape to anytime you want to connect with your higher power. It is your personal sanctuary where you feel absolutely at ease to get answers to your questions. Also, it is a place where you can get disconnected from the stress of the world to enable you to do some deep soul searching.

Your meditation space can be created anywhere in your home and there are no rules that you must follow to create your meditation space. All you need to do is follow your heart and create a meditation space that is very comfortable and that has all the things you need to meditate the way you want. However, to create a meditation space that meets the basics requirements of a good home meditation space, you need to follow some home meditation space tips.

Here are some tips to make your home meditation space:

1. Choose the most appropriate room

When choosing a meditation room (especially if you do not live alone), consider the quietness, proximity to unwanted sounds, ventilation, lighting, and the rate at which people walk around in it. You should not choose any room or place where you will not get the solace, alone-time, and quiet that you need. Choose a place or room where you can meditate undisturbed for as long as you want.

2. Keep the room simple

A meditation room should not be cluttered and it should not be difficult to move around in it. A cluttered room represents disorderliness and this will hinder you from meditating deeply and peacefully. Your meditation room must be well arranged and it must contain only a few things. A meditation space must feel and look peaceful.

3. Add a touch of nature

Meditation is all about connecting with nature; therefore, it is advisable that you add a touch of nature to your meditation space. You can add a touch of nature with a plant, a vase of flower, or a jar of shells. Indoor plants will also purify the air and increase oxygen.

4. Makes sure it is well ventilated

Make sure your meditation room is well ventilated and there is no possibility of you getting distracted by unpleasant odors while you are meditating.

5. Light some candles

Lighting one or two simple candles in a calm room can help you quickly get into the mood of meditation. Scented candles are very good for meditation.

6. Soothing sounds

You can set up your CD player in one corner of your meditation room for playing whatever sound that helps you relax.


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