Mindfulness Coach
“Do not dwell in the past; do not dream of the future; concentrate the mind on the present moment.” Buddha
We live in an over specialized society. The time demanded to perform our daily tasks is staggering and it consumes most of the month. The amount of information we process, with the required accelerating pace of professional changes and adaptations we must implement to keep us up to date may be overwhelming. However, you can regain control of your life, improve your cognitive functions, relieve stress, anxiety, and think clearer in a peaceful and natural way with the help of mindfulness coaching.
Mindfulness Coaching is tailored to your needs training session, in which a professional mindfulness coach, guides you and teaches you how to start or improve your mindfulness meditation. Moreover, the coach explains the required observation during the daily practice to get the most from it, answering any doubt or concern you may have.
You can expect to learn to control your emotional reactions and to become more productive by thinking clearer. During the session, you will receive a personalize mantra, that will resonate with you. You will get important tools, basic Zen philosophy concepts, and their daily life applications. Furthermore, you will learn:
- To enjoy life and be fully present in every second of your life.
- To reduce your racing thought and eventually eliminate those endless inner conversations that take place in your mind.
- To stop judging others and yourself.
- To forgive yourself for any wrong choice you made.
- To accept your current situation and change any aspect you do not like .
- To relax your mind and body.
- To decrease and eliminate muscle tension.
- To sleep better.
- To increase your concentration and creativity.
- To be compassionate and recognized the beautiful being inside each person.
- To improve family relationships.
Courtney is B.S. Economics from George Mason University, M.Ed in Special Education from the University of Virginia; she is an educator with behavior specialization, who has devoted almost three decades to prepare herself to be a mindfulness coach and Zen philosophy trainer. During that time she has been:
- Practicing and studying the Buddhist Zen teachings, Mindfulness philosophies, and techniques.
- Attending the Kalachakra 2011 for 10 days with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Washington D.C.
- Attended educator weekly retreats and mindfulness weekends at Thich Nhat Hahn's Blue Cliff Monastery.
- BTB training for 3 years under Professor Lin Yun the first eastern philosophy Feng Teacher in the U.S.
- Fulfilling the Mindfulness Trainings by the Vietnamese Thich Nhat Hanh's Organization for:
- Having the opportunity to meet and share meditations, weekly retreats, and workshops with monks and spiritual leaders.
- Attending the Kalachakra 2011 for 10 days with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Washington D.C.
This is a very difficult question since the answer is very personal and subjective. However, most people will agree on:
- Pedagogical knowledge and experience.
- Years of mindfulness practicing.
- Personal education and training for mindfulness, wellbeing, and eastern philosophy. Coaching Experience. Life satisfaction.
- Coaching Experience.
- Life satisfaction.
Taking advantages of mindfulness coaching can help you be your best version. You will find a balance in your life and a path to a joyful and fulfilling existence. The coach will help you with proven and effective techniques that after you practice them regularly you can see the results.
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present."
- Bill Keane