How Mala Beads Can Help You Manage Your Stress & Anxiety?

We live in times where it is quite difficult to live without stress and anxiety, They become integrated part of a fast moving life. A lot of people have many responsibilities on their shoulders at home and at work, which weigh them down and keep them stressed and anxious. Stress and anxiety are toxic to the health of humans, which makes it imperative for everyone living in today’s fast-paced world to find the right help and treatment for stress and anxiety. The right help for stress and anxiety should be easy for anyone to use and it should cost little or nothing.

Natural healing remedies are the best solutions to stress and anxiety in the world today. One vital natural healing remedy that comes in the form of nature’s stones are called Mala beads.

Mala beads have immense healing powers that can help humans live a healthy and peaceful life. A lot of difficult situations in life becomes easy when you practice frequent mindfulness with mala beads.

What are mala beads?

A mala, also referred to as mala beads, is a string of beads that are used for meditation. It is a tool for counting mantras, and acts as a tactile guide as you sit in silence. The first mala beads were created in India 3000 years ago and were used for Japa, which is a special kind of meditation.

Mala beads can be made of many materials, such as gemstones, black onyx, sandalwood, rose quartz, rudraksha seeds, glass beads, and turquoise. Some malas are made with 108 beads, a guru, and a tassel. Others have markers at 7 and/or 21 beads, which makes them the ideal mala beads for shorter meditations.

Here are some mala beads that can help you manage stress and anxiety:

1. Aste:

The Aste mala treats anxiety naturally by helping you ease stress while promoting mindfulness.

2. Orletz:

These mala beads are one of the best mala beads for stress and anxiety. The stones used in creating Orletz are believed to ward off anxiety.

3. Dirillo:

These mala beads can help you find strength, balance, and courage in the face of difficult and seemingly insurmountable situations.

4. Acala:

These mala beads protects the wearer and alleviates their fears.

5. Lona:

These are mala beads that calm the mind. They are great for soothing and calming the mind during and after a panic attack.

6. Nandi:

Like the Lona, these beads will help you though panic attacks. Also, it will help you through depression and misery.

7. Volcanic Lava stone:

These beads are great for finding the mental and physical strength needed to face difficult situations.

8. Blue mystic mala:

This mala has a lot of amazonite beads. Amazonite beads can help heal your emotional wounds.

9. Green Mystic mala:

This mala has a lot of Prehnite stones. Prehnite stones soothes the mind, calms the mind, brings inner peace, and help you find emotional balance.

10. 7 Chakras Mala:

This mala has the power to calm the mind and relieve stress of all kinds.


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